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Working with documents

Creating a document

Now we create a document in the collection. Any object can be added as a document to the database and be retrieved from the database as an object.

For this example, we use the class BaseDocument, provided with the driver. The attributes of the document are stored in a map as key/value pair (String/Object):

String key = "myKey";
BaseDocument doc = new BaseDocument(key);
doc.addAttribute("a", "Foo");
doc.addAttribute("b", 42);
System.out.println("Inserting document...");

Some details you should know about the code:

  • the document key is passed to the BaseDocument constructor
  • addAttribute() puts a new key/value pair into the document
  • each attribute is stored as a single key-value pair in the document root

Create a document from Jackson JsonNode

We can also create a document from a Jackson JsonNode object:

System.out.println("Creating a document from Jackson JsonNode...");
String keyJackson = "myJacksonKey";
JsonNode jsonNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode()
.put("_key", keyJackson)
.put("a", "Bar")
.put("b", 53);
System.out.println("Inserting document from Jackson JsonNode...");

Create a document from a JSON String

Documents can also be created from raw JSON strings:

System.out.println("Creating a document from JSON String...");
String keyJson = "myJsonKey";
RawJson json = RawJson.of("{\"_key\":\"" + keyJson + "\",\"a\":\"Baz\",\"b\":64}");
System.out.println("Inserting document from JSON String...");

Read a document

To read the created document:

System.out.println("Reading document...");
BaseDocument readDocument = collection.getDocument(key, BaseDocument.class);
System.out.println("Key: " + readDocument.getKey());
System.out.println("Attribute a: " + readDocument.getAttribute("a"));
System.out.println("Attribute b: " + readDocument.getAttribute("b"));

After executing this program the console output should be:

Key: myKey
Attribute a: Foo
Attribute b: 42

Read a document as Jackson JsonNode

Documents can also be read as Jackson JsonNode:

System.out.println("Reading document as Jackson JsonNode...");
JsonNode readJsonNode = collection.getDocument(keyJackson, JsonNode.class);
System.out.println("Key: " + readJsonNode.get("_key").textValue());
System.out.println("Attribute a: " + readJsonNode.get("a").textValue());
System.out.println("Attribute b: " + readJsonNode.get("b").intValue());

After executing this program the console output should be:

Key: myKey
Attribute a: Bar
Attribute b: 53

Some details you should know about the code:

  • getDocument() returns the stored document as instance of com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode.

Read a document as JSON String

Documents can also be read as raw JSON strings:

System.out.println("Reading document as JSON String...");
RawJson readJson = collection.getDocument(keyJson, RawJson.class);

After executing this program the console output should be:


Update a document

Let’s update the document:

doc.addAttribute("c", "Bar");
System.out.println("Updating document ...");
collection.updateDocument(key, doc);

Let’s read the document again:

System.out.println("Reading updated document ...");
BaseDocument updatedDocument = collection.getDocument(key, BaseDocument.class);
System.out.println("Key: " + updatedDocument.getKey());
System.out.println("Attribute a: " + updatedDocument.getAttribute("a"));
System.out.println("Attribute b: " + updatedDocument.getAttribute("b"));
System.out.println("Attribute c: " + updatedDocument.getAttribute("c"));

After executing this program the console output should look like this:

Key: myKey
Attribute a: Foo
Attribute b: 42
Attribute c: Bar

Delete/Remove a document

Let’s delete a document:

System.out.println("Deleting document ..."); collection.deleteDocument(key);

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