📄️ Introduction
Before you Create, Read, Update or Delete data you need a database. In this tutorial you will learn how to create a database followed by importing data into collections.
📄️ Create a database
Before we import any data into ArangoDB let go ahead and create a database where the data can reside.
📄️ Create collections
Data in arangodb resides in collections. Lets go ahead and create an airports document collection and flights edge collection into which will import data
🗃️ Data import
4 items
🗃️ Create Read Update Delete (CRUD)
5 items
🗃️ Query Constructs
7 items
🗃️ Graph queries
3 items
🗃️ Query Performance
2 items
🗃️ Search queries
4 items
🗃️ Data Export
4 items
📄️ Wrap up
You have just learned the basic query operations.