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Advanced traversals


ArangoDB provides a number of built in algorthms for graph traversl including shortest path, all_shortest_paths, k shortest paths Depending upon the alogirth being used, it may return only a vertex, edge or a path comprised of vertexes and edges.


  1. Lets determine the shortest paths between TPA and SFO
  2. To get the shortest path, you can use the following query:
    with airports
    for vertex,edge IN outbound shortest_path 'airports/TPA' to 'airports/SFO' flights
    options {
    weightAttribute: "Distance"
    return edge
  3. In this case the only the first route that is found is returned TPA -> ABQ -> SFO


  1. To get all the shortest paths, you can use the following query:
    with airports
    for path IN outbound all_shortest_paths 'airports/TPA' to 'airports/SFO' flights
    options {
    weightAttribute: "Distance"
    return path
  2. In this case all the found shortest paths are returned
  3. The UI displays the graph visually:

All shortest paths

  1. You can zoom into the visual to see the name of the nodes

All shortest paths zoom


  1. To get all the k shortest paths, you can use the following query:
    with airports
    for path IN outbound k_shortest_paths 'airports/TPA' to 'airports/SFO' flights
    options {
    weightAttribute: "Distance"
    limit 100
    return path
  2. In this case 100 shortest paths are returned
  3. The query without limit could be resource and time intensive trying to explore all possible shortest paths (ordered), we recommend using limits
  4. You will see that all the top paths are the same routes (we are currently NOT igoring the schedule)
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