📄️ Introduction
Learn how to use ArangoDB as the database backend for your application from C#/.NET
📄️ The C# .NET driver
.NET driver
📄️ Connecting to ArangoDB
📄️ HTTP request headers and API errors
HTTP request headers
📄️ Serialization
ArangoDB C#/.NET driver allows for alternative serializer implementations to be used by implementing the IApiClientSerialization interface or ApiClientSerialization abstract class. The abstract class provides an additional property for default serialization options to use as a fallback when the caller provides none.
📄️ Working with databases
Connect to a database
📄️ Working with collections
Retrieve a list of collections
📄️ Working with documents
Create a document
📄️ Working with AQL
Learn more about the query language in the AQL documentation.
📄️ Wrap up
You have just learned the basic use of ArangoDB's C# .NET driver to develop your application with Go and ArangoDB.